• Woudstraat 9 | 3600 Genk | België

TFO’s successful formula to help brands with discreet sales of surplus items in the off-price market

TFO’s successful formula to help brands with discreet sales of surplus items in the off-price market

TFO’s successful formula to help brands with discreet sales of surplus items in the off-price market

Brand control is crucial in the distribution of fashion brands to off-price retailers because these brands want to protect their image and positioning. This is especially important for premium and luxury brands, as they need to ensure their products are sold only in carefully selected environments to maintain the perception of exclusivity and value. Off-price retailers often sell products at lower prices, which can increase the risk of the brand losing its premium value if sales are not properly monitored. TFO offers a successful proven solution for international brands.

There are several reasons why it may be more important to establish strict agreements with off-price retailers:

  1. Limited Brand Exposure in Physical Off-Price Retailers: Off-price retailers have restrictions on their marketing and brand exposure, ensuring that the products are not associated with large discounts or a cheap image.
  2. Maximum Transparency: We can act as an exclusive partner to market surplus stocks to off-price retailers. In this model, we make it known to which retailer the products are sold. This makes it always visible at which locations the products are offered. 100% Brand control.
  3. Failure to comply with agreements
    Before we sell products to off-price retailers, clear conditions are made. If these agreements are not respected, we guarantee that the products will be removed from the stores within a week. 100% Commitment.


Trendy Fashion Outlet is the largest European B2B Off-Price Wholesaler. With more than 20 years of experience, we are the trusted partner for international fashion brands.

For more information check out the website https://tfo-deals.be/ or get in contact with Ad Umans via ad.umans@trendyoutlet.be of call via 0032 470 139 483

B2B Wholesale - Your Destination for Premium Brands at Discounted Prices.